Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For the love of God, stop right there!

Okay folks, this is a failed painting that I'm posting to remind me to never do a personal project where doubt is present. It started with a few items we have around the house "wouldn't it be a great idea to use these to do an "Easter themed" still life"? No it wouldn't!! Not for me, anyway.

 As I was composing our little knick-knacks, (not painted yet was a brass ornament that would have been on the upper right side of the painting to balance it out; this was to go in last as it would have to be drawn and painted over the finished background wall) I started to feel like I had no connection nor excitement for the arrangement. I am not a fan of "commercial Easter" and this was the epitome of it. Even as I started to draw it, I had a bit of an uneasy feeling in my stomach. But I continued on, I added some local colors and began to focus on the Mommy and Daddy bunnies... cute, huh? At this point I was so dissatisfied with the painting that I grabbed a rag soaked in turpentine and scrubbed out all of the color. I kept doing this the whole night... something wasn't working. I got up, took a deep breath, looked at it and figured out that it wasn't the painting as much as it was that not one ounce of my heart was in it. I took one final picture of it and scrubbed the whole canvas down.

 I'm glad I was able to cease and desist. I'm sure if I were to finish it, the going rate would have been 30 pieces of silver. :(

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