Thursday, December 23, 2010


"I have learned that what I have not drawn I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is, sheer miracle. " ~Frederick Franck, The Zen of Seeing

 We'll what can I say about drawing? Nothing new, compared to what the great artist have already said. But, I love the idea of having the opportunity to create something tangible based on a thought. I love the idea of studying how form is rendered depending on the subject, media used and the idea that the artist is trying to convey. But mostly, I love all the different styles that we all have: simple, complex, abstract, technical... 

My primary method usually starts with rhythm lines and is based on what I have learned so far from the Reilly Method. It has helped me get something down on my surface so I at least have a starting point; it also helps me find basic shapes that I can later decide how to treat. This was a major breakthrough for me because before I started studying art, I thought that artist start at a single point and drew everything perfect from that point (like the artists you see at Disneyland who can draw Jiminy Cricket with their eyes closed). I had no idea how powerful the eraser is, both as a drawing tool and allowing the freedom correct a drawing until its how you envision it -or if you have a few happy accidents along the way, better than you envisioned it. Either as a simple sketch or a highly rendered drawing, I'm beginning to learn its importance in understanding a subject. (Mountain Man - 2B Pencil on Canson / Crow - vine and compressed charcoal (ref: BienchenStock) / Seuss study - 2B on sketch paper) 

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